Getting a pet is like preparing to have a baby, you have to make every necessary arrangement to make sure that everything is ready for your puppy’s arrival. To make sure your pet is perfectly comfortable you have to get your home ready for a Bulldog puppy. Whether a French Bulldog puppy or an English Bulldog puppy – both are quite exquisite. However, no matter how adorable, a puppy requires extra care and attention. This is why you have to prepare for their arrival.
Get Your Home Ready For a Bulldog Puppy – The Basics
It’s really important that your new little puppy feels welcomed in your home. It will be his or her foreverplace, so it’s important that you get special things designed for comfort. Remember, puppies love to chew, so it’s important that you get a lot of puppy-safe toys that s/he can chew on. Different textured toys will often keep a puppy from chewing on things like furniture and shoes. Also, make sure to get an appropriate fitting collar, harness, and leashes. Leashes? Yes, you’ll want one for walking, and this one should be about 3-5’ long. The second one is for training, and this one should be long and lightweight. Don’t forget a high-quality doggy bed or mat – you’ll want one that’s soft but not too tall as Bulldog puppies are short and top-heavy. Don’t want him/her tipping over, facedown in a bed that’s too soft. Also, good pH-balanced puppy shampoo and wipes for ease of cleaning.
Crate For a Bulldog Puppy?
Oh yes, a crate is a must. Don’t get one too big or too small. This means that you will likely purchase 2 or 3 crates by the time your Bulldog puppy is full grown. The reason you don’t want to get a full-size crate for a puppy is that it will encourage pottying. You want your puppy to feel safe and snug in his/her crate, and not room to go potty in a corner. A crate is a definite in getting your home ready for a Bulldog puppy.
Roles and Responsibilities
One of the first things to do is to make sure that everyone in your household knows their responsibilities for the new puppy. This is particularly true if you have a family. If you live alone, this process may be a little easier and all you have to do is create a routine. However, you do want to share your schedule, etc., with friends and family who visit. So, if you live with others in your household make sure to assign who does what and obtain everyone’s agreement. Last thing you want is anyone upset about taking care of the new Bulldog puppy.
Feeding Information
The next thing to do to get a get your home ready for a Bulldog puppy is to prepare for his or her feeding needs. Due to the French Bulldog and English Bulldog flat faces, you should consider getting a special bowl. This will help your new puppy to eat slowly so s/he does not choke or get an upset stomach from eating fast. Puppies tend to get excited when eating and may cause them to gulp down. For this reason you might want to watch your dog while s/he is eating. Also, it’s extremely important to consult with the breeder from whom you selected your new puppy. Ask about the types of food your new Bulldog puppy has been eating, and don’t introduce anything new for at least 2 to 4 weeks.

Food Transition Tip: Make sure that you add very small amounts of new food, just a little at a time. Over the course of 6 weeks, continue to adjust to feeding only the new food.
Health Records and Schedule Vet Visit
To get your home ready for a Bulldog puppy you have to make sure that your breeder of choice maintains his/her health records. These should include birthdate, vaccinations, dates of deworming, and other identifying information. Obtaining your new puppy’s health records is practical and necessary. Make sure you review everything and then coordinate with the veterinarian of your choice for continuation of care. Also, make sure that you have access to emergency vets, just in case the need arises. Write down important telephone numbers and addresses posted on the fridge for everyone to see as needed.
Puppy Proofing!
When you get your home ready for a Bulldog puppy it definitely pays to puppy proof! As we said earlier, a puppy is like a baby… So, the same way you baby-proof your living space, you’ll need to make sure it is puppy-proofed as well. This means:
- Hide electrical cords, sharp objects, harmful chemicals, etc.,
- Tidy up, including bathrooms, closets, and hallways so puppy doesn’t get too curious.
- Raise important documents, fragile items, and other things you don’t want to lose, out of your puppy’s way.
- Baby gate areas that are off limits to your puppy.
Now You’re Ready For A Bulldog Puppy
Getting a puppy has to be one of the most exciting steps a person can take. All of the cuteness of a puppy is so undeniable. But also, along with the cuteness comes responsibility. It’s important that this is taken seriously, and that the puppy grows into a loving, sweet-natured member of the family. This will make things much easier for spending quality time together as your puppy gets older. There’s nothing quite like a Bulldog puppy – so much cuddle in such a little body!
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